Behavioral cloning
This is my work for the Behavioral Cloning project of the Udacity Self-driving Cars Nanodegree. A ConvNet-based model was built to autonomously predict steering of a simulated car. The architecture of this model is based on Nvidia's End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars. However, several adjustments have been made on the architecture to improve the performance on my dataset, and were documented in this documented. Although Udacity has provided some data, I decided to collect my own dataset using Udacity's car simulator. In this project, I have generated a very small dataset of 2700 images on purpose, and augmented it with several data augmentation strategies to train my model. My model has been tested on the basic track provided in the simulator, indicating that data augmentatation can stretch the limit of a small dataset. Results of the model are shown below. This model does not make too far on the challenge track, which is longer and with more sharp turnings. Data augmentataion cannot help on this complex problem, and a much larger dataset are required.